Join Mema and grow your staffing business


Mema Supports Micro Recruitment Agencies

Whether you are a specialist or generalist recruitment agency, we mema (invite) you to join the Mema family regardless of your location in South Africa since we operate nationally. Mema's marketplace supports micro recruiting firms with fewer than 10 employees including solo recruiters.


We have put in place innovative and effective strategies that are designed to help you increase your income. You can win over new clients and become their preferred supplier, inside Mema. You will manage your relationship with different customers efficiently and seamlessly, in one location, on the cloud and reduce admin hassles. 


It's FREE to join Mema

It costs nothing, lutho, niks, to register on the Mema website. Mema makes money if a recruitment agency makes a placement. You pay absolutely nothing if you do not generate income on the Mema website!


We accept credible recruitment agencies 

To join Mema, you must either be in possession of a Private Employment Agency (PEA) Certificate that proves your accreditation by Department of Labour in South Africa or have been invited by one of your current clients to join its online PSL inside Mema. Your recruitment firm must also have experience in filling permanent vacancies. 


Services for recruitment agencies

You can provide staffing services on Mema in two ways: by supplying to potential clients only or your own clients only or to both potential and current clients alternately - it's entirely up to you. You can participate as a:


1. Marketplace Recruiter 

Mema will help you market your business to (and stand a chance to make money from) companies that already have recruitment needs and are looking to enlist the services of recruitment agencies. No more wasting time on cold calls! Win new clients or generate income without investing resources in business development.


2. PSL Recruiter and work with your current clients 

An employer that registers on the Mema website has an option to bring its PSL (Preferred Supplier List) of recruitment agencies onto the Mema website or create a PSL inside Mema from scratch. So if your client invites you to join its online PSL and you accept the invitation, you will become a PSL Recruiter.

As a PSL Recruiter, you will not compete with Marketplace Recruiters per job. Marketplace Recruiters cannot work on jobs that are intended for PSL Recruiters and vice versa.